Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) Information

The IAR is a computer-based standardized assessment for all students in Grades 3 - 8 that is designed to measure students’ progress toward the the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, as well as the Standards for Mathematical Practices. It was created to replace the PARCC test, and it is shorter in length. District 71 will administer the IAR from April 7th-16th and will administer make-ups sessions throughout the following week. District administrators, math and literacy coaches, and teachers will work together to examine the results. This will provide the school district with information on student learning and facilitate continuous improvement of our educational programs.

English Language Arts


Grade 3 :   2 tests (75 minutes each)

Grades 3 - 8:  3 tests (60 minutes each)

Grades 4 - 8:  2 tests (90 minutes each)


Since the beginning of the year, students have been exposed to the content and skills presented on the IAR, including the testing environment, online tools, sample items, modeled examples of student responses, test expectations, and how their work will be evaluated.

General Resources

Practice Tests and Questions

One way to help your child is to learn more about the content for your child's grade level and the types of questions on the IAR exam by using the links below.

ELA Practice Tests - Select grade level and click on a "Computer Based Unit"

Math Practice Tests - Select grade level and click on a "Computer Based Unit"

Online Student Tutorials

These tutorials will show you the variety of question types students will encounter when taking the IAR online.  First, students are exposed to a question type and then they are given a content-based example for practice.

Grade 3-5 ELA

Grades 3-5 Math

Grade 8 Math

Grades 6-8 ELA

Grades 6-7 Math  

Equation Editor Tutorials

The equation editor is a tool students will need to know how to use for the math portion of the IAR. It allows students to build equations to show solutions to test questions.

Equation Editor Guide (Grades 3-5)             

Equation Editor Guide (Grades 6-8)

Equation Editor Tutorial (Grades 3-5)

Equation Editor Tutorial (Grades 6-8)

Practice with Equation Editor (Grades 3-5)

Practice with Equation Editor (Grades 6-8)

Content Resources

The Khan Academy website provides excellent math and reading content by grade.  All of the information and support are provided free of charge. A link to Khan Academy is here.

Keyboarding Sites

IAR is an online assessment that includes important extended response and essay questions.  It is important that students are proficient at computer keyboarding. All Culver students in grades 3-5 have "TypingClub" accounts to help improve their keyboarding skills.  This link, as well as several others are below.

Culver Typing Club

Free Typing Games

Super Hyper Spider Typer


Dance Mat Typing


Other Online Tools

Online tools like calculators and text editing tools, as well as graphing and measuring games, can provide students with some additional practice.

Online Calculators

Plotting Points

Virtual Measuring Tools

Basic Calculator

Hit the Coordinate

Age of Angles

Scientific Calculator

Interactive Cartesian Coordinates

ABC Bow and Angle




Text Editing Tools

Mr. Nussbaum's Sentence Surgeons

If you would like other ways to support your student at home, you can do any of the following:

  • Read a combination of fiction and non-fiction aloud or with your child. Look for subjects of interest—from sports heroes to dinosaurs.
  • Discuss and “do” real-life math with your child. Help him/her know basic math facts.
  • Discuss the tests with your child. Reassure your child and encourage him/her to do their best.
  • Explain to your child that the tests will initially be more challenging. Tell your child to do his/her best on the test and that you are there to help every step of the way.
  • Utilize the district General Resources Links on this site where students can practice items, view tutorials, and practice the test tools.
  • After the test, review the results with your child. Bring the teacher into the discussion as needed.
  • Provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home and make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast before the tests.
  • Above all, be positive and encouraging about the tests.