Business Office

The Business Office for District 71 is located in the main school building at 6901 Oakton Street, Niles, IL 60714.

The business office is generally open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Financial Philosophy

Niles School District 71 is committed to creating, maintaining and improving educational programs in a fiscally responsible and efficient manner. We take great care in ensuring that local tax revenue as well as state, federal and other revenues received are used to maximize the learning potential for each student.

Our multifaceted approach includes increasing revenues and controlling expenditures.

Increasing Revenues

  • Supporting legislation that increases the state's funding of education
  • Seeking grants from the state and federal governments, and from private sources
  • Developing partnerships with and donations from companies, service organizations and foundations
  • Seeking waivers from the state when deemed appropriate

Controlling Expenditures

  • Operating efficiently and effectively in all areas
  • Controlling costs in non-educational areas to provide resources for use in instructional programs
  • Managing direct educational expenditures
  • Continuing a preventive maintenance program
  • Purchasing goods and services on a competitive basis
  • Utilizing volunteers
  • Refinancing debt where appropriate to take advantage of interest rate savings
  • Seeking shared service/purchasing opportunities with other agencies


The Business Office is responsible for the fiscal and operational management of the districts, including:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Employee Benefits
  • Facilities Management
  • Fee Collection
  • Insurance
  • Payroll
  • Purchasing
  • Technology Services
Mrs. Carol Provost
847-966-9280 x1110
Ms. Debra Jordan
Administrative Assistant
847-966-9280 x1108