Vision and Hearing Screening
Public Act 95-0671 requires that children enrolling in kindergarten and any student enrolling for the first time in a public, private or parochial school in Illinois regardless of grade shall have an eye examination conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist by October 15 of the school year. The school may hold a child's report card if the child fails to present proof of exam by October 15. Parents or legal guardians who object to eye exams on religious grounds may complete an Eye Examination Waiver Form (found under the "Health Requirements & Forms" tab).
Vision screening is mandatory for students in the early childhood program, 2nd grade and 8th grade, and is recommended for those in grades 4 and 6. At Culver School, the school nurse screens students in the mandatory grades, and as time allows, screens students in all of the other grades as well. All students new to Culver and all students receiving special education services are screened annually regardless of grade.
Vision screening at school is not a substitute for a complete vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months.
Hearing screening is done on all students up to and including 3rd grade. All students new to Culver School and students receiving special education services receive an annual hearing screening regardless of grade.
You will be contacted if your child meets referral criteria for vision or hearing issues. If you have any concerns about your child’s vision or hearing, please contact the school nurse during regular school hours.