Freedom Of Information

Freedom Of Information Act Inquiries

Niles Elementary School District 71 is a K-8 school district with classes and business office located at Culver School, 6901 W. Oakton, Niles, IL 60714.

When requesting FOIA records: The first 50 pages of black and white letter size or legal size copies are provided without charge. Additional black and white pages thereafter will be charged at the rate of 15 cents per page and color copies will be charged at the actual cost for reproducing the records. The cost for certifying a record will be $1.00. If the documents are to be sent by US mail, the school district will charge for postage. For electronic copies, the district will charge the actual cost of any recording medium (CD, diskette, tape, etc.).

Public requests for information, public records and FOIA material should be sent to:

John Kosirog, Ed.D., Superintendent
6901 W. Oakton
Niles, IL 60714

or by phone: 847-966-9280 ext. 1108